Your browser is your computer
exaequOS is an operating system fully running in your web browser and allows you to:
Learn coding with fun, Create cross-platform apps, Share them easily with everybody.
exaequOS is much more than a web desktop, it is a real Unix-like operating system with drivers and resource manager.

It is able to run GNU bash, GNU coreutils, GNU chess, GNU bc ... with several terminals at same time.
exaequOS can run Wayland applications that directly draw in the buffer (case of havoc terminal) or use OpenGL ES 3.0/WebGL 2.0 (case of raylib demo app).
exaequOS supports graphical frameworks such as Raylib, Dear ImGui.

You can even develop Raylib app in Lua.
You can edit text files inside exaequOS using Vim and GNU ed.




You can join the Discord server or send a email to:
info at exaequos dot com